iScramble - Installation and Use

  1. Download the latest release from the download page.
  2. Unzip the zip file to a temporary directory on your PC.
  3. The file should be included in any web page that you want to use iScramble protection. Then call the iScramble() function, passing in the text you want to scramble.

The iScramble() function takes 4 parameters as follows:

$plainStringPlan text to scramble
$longPwdBooleanTrue for better scrambling, using a longer password. This produces larger JavaScript code. Defaults to False.
$rot13BooleanTrue for better scrambling, using rot13 encoding of the plain text. This produces larger JavaScript code and takes longer to decode. Not recommended for large strings. Defaults to False.
$sorryStringMessage displayed if visitor does not have JavaScript enabled in their web browser. Defaults to "[Please Enable JavaScript]".

If you want to change the default message that gets displayed when a visitor does not have JavaScript enabled, pass this in as the second parameter. If you only pass one parameter, iScramble will use the default message "[Please Enable JavaScript]". For example.

iScramble("", False, False, "[Please enable JavaScript to view my email address]");

See the examples in index.php, included in the zip file.

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